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Evidence and the images displayed in it, are meant to serve as evidence of the

existence and form of site-specific artworks that I carved out of logs. I found these logs in my surrounding area and places I visited

The exhibition consists of two large wheat pastes, figure 1 & 2,

 a list of coordinates written in charcoal onto the wall, figure 3, while a sound recording

 is playing in the background.

Other than the above mentioned the exhibition space is completely empty. The sound recording

is a recording of me carving the the sculptures in the woods. The images displayed in

'Evidence' are thus not artworks themselves but rather serves as evidence of the existence

of the real artworks. I consider the artwork to be located within the action of it's creation.

The wheat paste in figure 1 & 2, both display close up images of the actual carving that I made.

The wheat paste is made by editing the photographs digitally. The image is then processed in a program which divides it into A3 segments.

The A3 size segments, are printed out and  pieced together to form a large poster. The poster is then wheat pasted onto the wall.

Figure 3 displays a list of coordinates which reveals the exact location in which the real artwork took place.

The pieces of evidence that are shown to the viewer will leave the decision of wether the artworks actually exist up to the viewer. The only way that the artworks can actually exist for the viewer during his/her experience of exhibition is if s/he accepts that these artworks exists. If these artworks do not exist it is precisely the viewer's acceptance of it's existence that will give to it an existence for-him/her

This could mean that Evidence can be viewed as dubitable evidence, since non of these images can concretely prove, without a doubt, that these artworks actually exist in reality.

Should the viewer decide to travel to the Coordinates that are given, and find that the carvings infact do exist, these carvings could be regarded as apodictic evidence (undoubtable truth) of my artworks, since the carvings are the result of me creating the artworks.

When Evidence is considered in this way it is possible to say that it can only exist and be experienced by the viewer as an art exhibition if s/he accepts its existence as truth  

“...if there are transcendentally constituted in me, the transcendental ego, not only other egos but also an Objective world common to us all, then everything said up to now is true, not alone in the case of my de facto ego, and in the case of this de facto intersubjectivity and world, which recieve sense and existence-status in my subjectivity”

Edmund Husserl

Physical Artworks & Making

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